
Pictorial Planet

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Suppliers of chemicals etc.

This is a list of suppliers of chemistry and films. I use these companies but have no affiliation to them. I provide this list just to help you find some of the chemistry used on this website and my book. I cannot guarantee that these companies will still make the chemistry available. E&OE
  • Ammonium chloride
  • Glycol
  • Sodium sulphite
  • Sodium thiosulphate
  • Potassium carbonate
  • Etc.

Mathers of Lancashire
  • Film and Papers. Best Ilford film prices.

Fototechnik Suvatlar
  • Chemicals in Europe and UK
  • Metol
  • Phenidone
  • Pyrogallol
  • Hydroquinone
  • Photographic Glycin
  • Ammonium thiosulphate
  • Sodium metaborate

Inter Point Net / Argentix.Ca
344 Principale
Racine Qc
J0E 1Y0

email: info@argentix.Ca

Purchasing TEA in UK
Purchasing Propylene Glycol in UK

Zone Imaging
  • Pyrogallol
  • Phenidone

eBay of course, for many more

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